Simple upload filter script for Article 13 of EU copyright reform
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
if (!isset($_GET['token'])) { echo 'No token specified!'; die(); }
$token = $_GET['token'];
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT fileId FROM validations WHERE token=:token LIMIT 1;"); $query->execute(array(':token' => $token)); $validation = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!isset($validation[0])) { echo 'Invalid token specified!'; die(); }
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM files WHERE id=:fileId LIMIT 1;"); $query->execute(array(':fileId' => $validation[0]['fileId'])); $file = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$file = $file[0];
if (isset($_GET['download'])) { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 200 OK"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-Length:".filesize($file['filePath'])); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($file['filePath'])); readfile($file['filePath']); die(); } else if (isset($_GET['validate'])) { $query = $db->prepare("UPDATE validations SET validated = 1 WHERE token=:token LIMIT 1;"); $query->execute(array(':token' => $token)); } else if (isset($_GET['infringement'])) { $query = $db->prepare("UPDATE validations SET validated = 0 WHERE token=:token LIMIT 1;"); $query->execute(array(':token' => $token)); }
<a href="validate.php?token=<?php echo $token; ?>&download">Download File</a><br \> <a href="validate.php?token=<?php echo $token; ?>&validate">Mark File as validated</a> <br \> <a href="validate.php?token=<?php echo $token; ?>&infringement">Report copyright infringement</a>