@ -14,4 +14,8 @@ This wordclock in generally works as the thousands of other DIY projects, I just
* seconds
* seconds
* date *dd.mm.yyyy as running text*
* date *dd.mm.yyyy as running text*
* text *256 chars to be set as running text*
* text *256 chars to be set as running text*
* LED mode *just demo to test all LEDs and set color*
* LED mode *just demo to test all LEDs and set color*
## initial eeprom setup
Due to lack of memory on Arduino Nano the 8x5 ASCII table must be written to the AT24C32 eeeprom. Threfore the ascii_memory sketch (located in it's folder) should be uploaded first to update the eeprom. Once this done the wordclock sketch can be uploaded.