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#include <ViewStates.h>
ViewTemperatureState::ViewTemperatureState(DS3231 &_ds3231, AT24C32 &_at24c32) : ViewTextState(at24c32)
ds3231 = _ds3231;
at24c32 = _at24c32;
void ViewTemperatureState::render(uint8_t matrix[121], ControlStates controlState)
// °
matrix[9] = color;
matrix[10] = color;
matrix[20] = color;
matrix[21] = color;
int temperature = floor(ds3231.getTemperature());
length = 2;
text[0] = (temperature / 10) + 0x30;
text[1] = (temperature % 10) + 0x30;
renderBinaryClock(matrix, ds3231);